Thursday, June 14, 2007


Catching some rays
Hands up

Howdy Partner

Hi everyone, Today me and Kaila have been paining our room all day. We were almost done when Kaila jumped off the stool and landed on a sharp bracket!! She sliced her foot pretty bad. Grandpa came over and helped her get it wrapped up. Then I finished the room and we started to put everything back together. But I will still have to sleep on the couch because there is tons of stuff on my bed. We have been taking alot of pics, but I'll post them when the room is all done. So for now Ill just post some pics of Levi when he was really little. I made a scrapbbok of him a couple years ago, and thesse are some of the pics from it. Isnt he cute.


Destiny said...

Those are really cute pics of Levi!!! That's to bad that Kaila cut her foot. She came over here and I saw it, it really looked like it was painful. See ya on church:)

aLeXa said...

Ouch! Send my sadness to Kaila. ;)

Ruth Owen said...
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Ruth Owen said...

ewww....that sounds painful give kaila a hug for me:o) Those are cute pics of Levi! He is so chuby:o) He remind me of Elijah my brother when he was little:o)~Ruth~